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Click Art #1 Dedodagliocchiblu |

Making culture in the time of coronavirus. The Fondazione Ragghianti does not stop!


A new contribution of the Fondazione Ragghianti to the art education

Online the workshop dedicated to Amedeo Modigliani

In the impossibility to carry out the art workshops for children, which would have involved dozens of classes of the Lucca province, the Fondazione Ragghianti offers an online project to stimulate curiosity and desire for knowledge of the children, even from a distance, in a creative and fun way.

Online on the website and on the social channels of the Fondazione Ragghianti, “CLICK ART | lo scatto dell’arte”, a project written and realized by Federica Chezzi and Angela Partenza, from the educational department of the Fondazione Ragghianti, active for twelve years with the support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.

Bringing youngster closer to contemporary art has always been one of the main intent, offering new and original paths for observation and interpretation of reality through contemporary languages.

What is “CLICK ART”?

«It is an animated story, conceived to travel in distant and amazing countries», Angela Partenza and Federica Chezzi explain. «Can’t we meet now? We will be the ones who reach the children! We experimented a playful language, creating a new format to excite and to approach the children to art».

Each episode will examine a work, an artist, a story and many secrets, with a fun creative workshop for children of all ages: the first one is dedicated to Amedeo Modigliani.

The director Paolo Bolpagni recalls that «the activity of the Fondazione Ragghianti has never stopped during these months and it is going on intensively with its publications, historical and artistic researches and with exhibitions which are under preparation and will take place as soon as health situation allows. With the initiative “CLICK ART”, dedicated to children, we intend to go on nurturing our educational vocation to contemporary art».


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